Thursday, January 29, 2009

Painting Into Memories

I'm painting again. It feels wonderful to go through the process of putting paint to canvas. I've learned a lot in my painting class last week and I am trying to apply it to my art. In the past, I've thought for weeks, months, sometimes years about the subject, composition and proper medium for my painting, but now the challenge is to produce a painting in a week or two. I find the discipline of using the techniques presented by my professor challenging and invigorating.
Today as I began a painting of a grandfather reaching out to his granddaughter I found myself confused by my initial sketches. I wanted the painting to say more than what I was seeing in my drawings. I used a technique of mapping my thoughts as taught by my professor and now I have a different perspective of what I want to accomplish on the canvas. Like I said, I am loving this art class! Hopefully my painting will be completed by next week and I will post a photo of the finished work.

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