Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Thinking about Sadie...

Sadie was my maternal grandmother. She was not the usual grandmother type. I have many different memories of Sadie, but the most important one of all was how much she loved me. She didn't particularly care for every grandchild in our family the same way. Some of them she down right just didn't like at all and made no bones about it, but she loved me. I could do no wrong. I often wonder why she liked me so much more than my sisters. They both were sweet and kind and gentle and I was always a curious little imp... forever getting into pot loads of problems. I fell into the grease trap in the gray water line from the kitchen once and she insisted on taking my picture while I stood there with the biggest grin on my face. I guess she admired my tenacity. I hope to begin a collection of Sadie Stories for this blogspot. I want my memories of her to be captured.
MS Hospitality

Saturday, July 5, 2008

I was going to tell you about childhood memories, but after today, I've decided to share a few things I've become aware of concerning Independence Day in America.

What changed my mind was the morning parade here in our little
suburb city. We gathered up the Grand-dog, leash and off we went in the truck to the community area. Hundreds of people lined the usually very busy double, tree-lined boulevard. People with baby prams, bike strollers, every imaginable portable chair from super size to toddler... I couldn't believe the number of people! I wondered as we looked for a parking space who would be in the parade if so many people were on the parade route.

We walked Harley in the grass and just marveled at the number of families who had come together... now you must remember, we are originally from the Land of Mardi Gras and the number of people was impressing both Cute Husband and me!

After a bit, we saw bright twirling lights from the local fire truck and walking in front of it was a group of elderly men, dressed in their finest, each carrying a beautiful American flag with great dignity and honor. As I watched them approach. I marveled as each group of families stood, men took their hats off, fathers quickly helped their children put a hand over their heart, mothers gave the "finger on the lips" signal and pointed toward the flag. My heart was swelling! I had to tell myself to breath. It was silent and beautiful and most sacred. As the group of older men passed with the flags, families scampered to their seats again and the parade continued....

It went on and on and on... Cub Scout Pack after Boy Scouts, local swim clubs, school clubs, charity groups, political parties and local diginitaries... each having fun and shouting for over 2 hours!

"God Bless America!"
"Happy Independence Day!"
"Happy Birthday America!"
"It's the Fourth of July!"

At least a thousand people were in the parade, dressed out in red,white and blue with sparkles on bike handles and primped pick-up trucks and the cutest decorations on each and every person and vehicle.

I stood there the entire time and remembered,
"We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, do establish ...."

We the People of the United States, WE make the United States what it is... every single one of us. I thank God for American, with all her cuts and bruises and scraped knees and elbows. We are one of the younger countries on our planet, but we are WE the People! We've come a long way ... through the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, WWI and II. Viet Nam, Iraq... We the People have made some huge mistakes but have done a whole lot of things right as well. We remain united under the beauty of red, white and blue.

I, for one, am proud to be an American and today I saw evidence of hundreds of people teaching their children to be proud of our Nation. Put your hands over your heart and look carefully... there goes our flag.
I'm getting older and I don't want to lose my memories. Therefore I have started this blog spot to safeguard three generations of happenings for my family. I hope to keep it simple and funny and personable. I probably won't write daily, but I will record important memories as they come to me and as they happen. I hope to also work out some of my feelings about issues that impact my daily life through this writing.
MS Hospitality