Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Thinking about Sadie...

Sadie was my maternal grandmother. She was not the usual grandmother type. I have many different memories of Sadie, but the most important one of all was how much she loved me. She didn't particularly care for every grandchild in our family the same way. Some of them she down right just didn't like at all and made no bones about it, but she loved me. I could do no wrong. I often wonder why she liked me so much more than my sisters. They both were sweet and kind and gentle and I was always a curious little imp... forever getting into pot loads of problems. I fell into the grease trap in the gray water line from the kitchen once and she insisted on taking my picture while I stood there with the biggest grin on my face. I guess she admired my tenacity. I hope to begin a collection of Sadie Stories for this blogspot. I want my memories of her to be captured.
MS Hospitality

1 comment:

thenance said...

I want to hear so much more about Sadie and the young Ms H.I think you were her favorite because she sensed that spark in you that she probably had as a young girl.